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2024 Easter Sunday


In many countries, Easter is a public holiday, and as it always falls on Sunday, some countries also have Easter Monday as a public holiday, including Australia, Germany and Ireland.

Although, Easter is the most important Christian holiday it is not as popular as Christmas. It joins two important events of which the first is profoundly sad and dramatic while the other is just the opposite. The first one is, of course, the Crucifixion and Death of Christ after which his body was placed in the tomb. Three days later he Resurrected beating death. Resurrection is a triumph of life and even more astonishing than the miracle of Christ birth.

In addition to religious celebrations involving Church services, Easter is celebrated in several ways in the United States, Europe and other parts of the world. Some of these celebrations have little to do with the Christian meaning of the holiday. The most popular include family meals, Easter eggs decoration, hiding the decorated eggs for children to find and giving children baskets with candy.

In the USA, the Spring break for high school and college students usually occurs about Easter time, hence many families leave the cold of northern states to visit amusement parks or sunny beaches in the south.


Citation Information:

Meeus, Jean H. Astronomical algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Incorporated, 1991.
Access date: January 2, 2019

Sunday, March 31, 2024 (All day)

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